Talking With God
DAILY VITAMIN Does the idea of speaking to the invisible ever make you feel weird? Though to the normal world, it seems so abnormal that they even have a name for it that reflects how delusional and psychotic such an individual is, but to God it's what He terms true living especially when He is the invisible. Talking to God, and having Him talk back to you is the first giant step to enjoying our mortal lives on earth, such that if everyone of us engage ourselves in conversations with God daily, the world would be less amoral, more conservative with the good, and more better to our personal appeals than what we see around today. Talking to Him, though He's invisible, gets us closer to knowing Him which on its own is our hoist towards true self discovery, and thus better living. And guess what? It is not as hard as theology or men's philosophies make it appear, it really is as simple as you talking to me. All you have to do is get conscious of His presence, and His wanting...