Duty Calls!

-Duty Calls #1
 The blessing in being blessed is being a blessing. Everyday we are given the opportunity to express the goodness of God in and to us to some other folk in search of whom God really is. Do you know what it means to be an ambassador- like when He says you are an ambassador of Christ? I guess you do. You are an earthly representation of God as long as you have breath. When people can't get a picture of God, they come to you- take a look at all your attributes and attitudes to make up a synopsis of all God may be like. So on earth, we either represent Him well or badly. Having this knowledge now, what should be your sense of duty onwards?
An ambassador represent the interest of his native to foreign emissaries or government. Therefore, you should hold fast the interest of the Kingdom at heart. Addition to the kingdom and the maintenance of its values are to be your utmost concern. When God called us lights of the world, He intended we realize we are an attractive force in the world to draw people from the ends of the earth towards Him. The termite reproductives may remain in darkness, but when a light comes on, they rush unto it. We are meant to pull the dark laden fellows back to God's light. That's our duty, with a demand that we fail not.


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