Giving Generously

 There is a difference between giving and giving generously. Generosity is more than just how much you give, but how hearted you do. What makes the poor fellow rich in the sight of God is how richly he gives even though in need himself. Richly, not in terms of quantity or even quality, nor quantifiable mass, but richly based on how much from the heart it is given. Was the heart rich in compassion, God's love and mercy as it gave? Or was it full of egotism, self-pride and every trait that makes him believe it is all in his power? Remember, a broken heart and a contrite spirit[full of the first traits], God wil not despise (Ps 51:17); and as long as there is a willingness of heart and readiness of mind[spurred by genuine love], it is acceptable towards God (2 Cor 8:11-12). This is why God isn't just crazy in love with any giver, but a cheerful giver. One whose givings start from the heart outward. One who first gives with the heart and reflects it by his hands. That's the giver God loves and promises to bless. Note that blessed is he that considers the poor (Ps 41:1). Mark the word "consider"; it is one act that only erupts from within first, and is accomplished in the heart. Therefore to God, the generous fellow isn't the guy who gives all he has to the poor, but the guy who gives all he should heartily. Take away the heart part, and it is all in vain. Once again, make this year one where you decide to give at your best at all times you have the inner prompting to do so. To do it with the whole of your heart; for whether we like it or not, God's command is this: "Whatever you do as unto the Lord, do it heartily" (Col 3:23). Generosity must begin with the heart before it's acceptable from the hands. Hence this easter, commemorate what Jesus did for you by doing something generous to someone around you.


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