Responding Right (4)

- Responding Right V
 Like they say charity begins at home. That is, everything you presume should be given to you by others must first be given to you by yourself. Such that if you want to be forgiven by others, you must learn to forgive yourself. You want to be loved by others, you learn to love yourself. You want to be valued by others, you learn to value yourself. And in the same way, if you want to be hated by others, then you start hating yourself. The first step into breaking through into what you believe to deserve from others is to believe you deserve it from yourself. In essence, many of us despite being forgiven of God still hold on to the past wrongs we did refusing to let it go or forgive ourselves. You might have killed a person before you knew God, but refusing to forgive yourself even after God's forgiven you won't bring that person back; rather it would tear you down until eventually you end up dead like that person but now far from God, all because your sense of guilt won't let you enter into God's willed best for you. Paul showed us the way. Though he was the wingman of those who conspired to kill Stephen as he did other Christians as well, yet he didn't let that stop him from entering God's best for him. He didn't let the guilt hinder him. He forgave himself as Christ forgave him and Stephen did too in his passing, and pressed on. He said "..this one thing i do: forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before" (Phil 3:13). You've got to let it go. It's so bad that many of us are killing ourselves over issues the victim already forgave us of. Get this into your head- if God has forgiven you, all men are required to whether they like it or not, for it is God who requites us not men (Rom 8:33). Thus, don't limit your destiny out of self unforgiveness and guilt. Live as God has called you to- in liberty. Restitute all your past wrongs and move on, because once you've done this and yet still look back in guilt you make yourself unfit for the kingdom. Why? Because you make His words "if any man be in Christ he is a new creation" of none effect. Hence, always remember that God's forgiven you, the offended has too, all that's left is for you to do the same to yourself. #Freeyourself.


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