Becoming The Role Model

The most matured thing to do almost at all times is to do what others are too conceited to do. Jesus noted that when almost every man would retaliate a punch or a misdeed done against them, we are not suppose to. We are peace makers- not violent brutes bent on repaying evil for evil, for not only in doing what's right and peaceful do we make full proof of our place as children of God (Matt 5:9), but in doing so we overcome the evil in men that make them think evil is the only solution to everything. He, thereby, instructs us to be the first to call out for peace, and not the first to ignite violence. David said 'I'm for peace, while they are for war' (Ps 120:7). God expects us to adopt the attributes He entails, and to breed them everywhere we find ourselves- and one of these, my friend, is the non-violent, non-hateful, peace-bringing nature. Thus, the question: In a dispute, are you the first to make a fist? Are you the one to find a way to plot a downfall for the new guy who just got promoted? Scripture says as much as it is possible, live at peace with all men (Rom 12:18); so God is not expecting us to be the retaliators at any time, rather He's expecting us to be the reconciliators, even when we are the ones on the wounded side. It is a difficult thing to do...humanly, but with God, all things are possible. Jesus did it, we can if we only let Him live through us. So, say no to violence; to society's model of revenge: only be what God calls you to be; and that my friend which He's given you is the ministry of reconcilation, not retaliation. The world may term you foolish- i've had that myself, but you are not; you're just more of God than you are yourself- and that only means you're growing in grace. God is the one who recompenses, let Him avenge you; but as much as it's in your power to do so, live peaceably with all men(See Titus 3:2). Like Martin Luther King stated: Darkness can't chase away darkness, neither can hate eradicate hate; only light can chase away darkness, and only love can eradicate hate. Hence, being lights in this world, let's engage in exercises and reactions that prove the light and love of God in us. Be the Jesus your present world needs to find His peace, grace and restoration.


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