Talking With God

  Does the idea of speaking to the invisible ever make you feel weird? Though to the normal world, it seems so abnormal that they even have a name for it that reflects how delusional and psychotic such an individual is, but to God it's what He terms true living especially when He is the invisible. Talking to God, and having Him talk back to you is the first giant step to enjoying our mortal lives on earth, such that if everyone of us engage ourselves in conversations with God daily, the world would be less amoral, more conservative with the good, and more better to our personal appeals than what we see around today. Talking to Him, though He's invisible, gets us closer to knowing Him which on its own is our hoist towards true self discovery, and thus better living. And guess what? It is not as hard as theology or men's philosophies make it appear, it really is as simple as you talking to me. All you have to do is get conscious of His presence, and His wanting to also speak to you in return, and simply put up the first word; something as simple as 'Hello God'. God wants to share numerous truths, secrets, promises, and world treasures with you, but He is so meek that He doesn't come all rushing down on us unless we let Him. He will say only a word even though He has many to say to us, except we approach Him with a response that beckons Him to continue. So, Will you let Him today? As a person, i would give anything to talk to the Tim LaHayes of this world, the John Pipers, the Martin Luther Kings, the George Washington Carvers, the Paulo Coelhos, the Socrates, the Sun Bins, the Rick Warrens, the Aiden Tozers, the T.D Jakes, the Shakespeares, the Colgates, the Willie Jolleys, the Thomas Edisons, the Abe Lincolns and others, but not as much as i would give for a word everyday with God. For while these individuals can affect my life, God surpasses that, in that He not only affects my life, but as well gives me the impartation to affect others positively. God wants an established relationship just as much as you need Him for your life's rehabilitation, but can it ever work if you never talk. For those people in relationships, even if it's just your nuclear family, you would know that a lack of communication kills a pack of companionship; and learn from Jesus, all throughout His three years ministry He never stayed a day without speaking to His disciples, and afterwards never had them stop speaking to Him as the book of the Acts recorded how they gave themselves to prayer. Will you choose today to do the same? Will you choose to take the lane of prayer? Will you choose to rekindle and awaken the sleeping conversational repetoire between you and your Father? Will you choose to dust away the webs on your communication line to Him? Will you choose to grease your communion engine by a simple 'Hello God!' today. Will you choose to talk with Him right now? If your answer starts with a Y and ends with an S, as in yes, then i say well done, because beyond our deepest understandings, only a working relationship with God can give life a bigger purpose and meaning despite the weary works of life. Hence, I implore you to fix your broken talking relationship with God if there's any, and watch your life come alive again with a blast of enthusiasm and endearment as never before.


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