Shine Forth The Kingdom

  As perplexing as it may seem, Paul, in his acts, presented salvation as a transmissible virtue- a contractable benefit. He once retorted "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and ye shall be saved, and your house" (Acts 16:31). He wasn't saying your singular faith buys your family's way to the God-gifted life. He wasn't also literally saying that one person's salvation automatically covers one family; rather he depicted how as Jesus taught, one man's salvation- your salvation can affect other lives until they are coerced into being saved themselves in unison with God. Here's the sequence: After you receive Christ, you carry within you a light unquenched by the darkness that ruins our world. The same light that shines brightly in the dark, and darkness never understands. Yes! that's the light we receive. After our reception of the same, our every action in line with God's will causes us to shine as the lights we are. The more we act with our intentions at the precipice of His will, the more light we display. As this light shines, it surges through the dark alleys of the souls of those around us at the moment- those whom Paul describe as our house; and the more they get this beam hitting their souls, the less darkened it remains. And as such, our believing and living as God ordained finally leads to someone's reconciliation with the Kingdom of light. Hence, let it be clear to you that we are ministers of reconciliation being now in Christ, having the rein in our hands to take people to a place of maximum security- since saved is the verbial expression of the word safe. We have the audacity if we choose to bring families to a realm of safety from the tantrums of darkness: all we have to do is simply shine. 'Let your so shine that men may see.....'; those were the words of Jesus that will forever have its place in the sands of time and impact, because it is both real and ideal- easily expressible and achievable, .....if....if only we would let that light of ours out. Generations lean on you. Society pleads with you. Duty demands of you, that as you were shone on and saved, you shine as well and save. Hope to see you shine!


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