Prioritizing His Will

 A lot of us get asked questions about our most prioritized goal in life. Or what achievement would feel like just consuming our most favourite meal? While we may be quick to point out our career ambitions, business plans, marriage wishes, spousal specifications, research expectations, desired car model and property brands- which are definitely a 'wow' kind of options, as i would probably do the same myself- Jesus, on being asked that same question, said 'My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work ' (John 4:34). Well, it may seem now like i'm hitting the religious road on a subject that permits us to express our personal desires; but guess what? While we may have personal objectives in life, there's nothing more satisfying than fulfilling the exact purpose for which you exist. A calculator which can build a network firewall, or take a photo of you, or quickly browse through your twitter account would look awesome, right? Yet if it does all this, and can't perform a simple arithmetic summation for which it was programmed, it's done nothing at all. Same way, while having great goals are good, the greatest good that can be exuded through us is only found in our doing the exact work of Him who sent us here for which He sent us. Now, note that doing His work doesn't mean you must carry this out in front of a pew filled with eyed entities. No! Everytime you hearken to His words, even in those small moments when it's just to help the old lady cross the road, or to assist the homeless, you do His work. However, i would admonish you to go deeper with Him in your pursuit to find purpose until your entire life stands for the fulfilment of His every will. And watch out: If Jesus got eternal-fold glories by His action, do you think you will get any less by doing same. I leave you with this: Anyone who leaves father, mother, daugther [which we would refer to here as personal objectives] because of Me shall in this world receive manifold of the same and in the world to come eternal life (Mark 10:29-30). Choosing His will always pays; thus, do so!


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