The Extra Touch

What distinguishes men from one another is an extra touch. What separates the healed from the unwhole is an extra touch. Yes! We were all created by the hands of God, but what redefines us to be different from others inorder to receive and relish in all we receive differently is a result of God's extra touch upon our lives. For instance, while others were being slain by wild animals and by the hands of men, sinful Cain could not be harmed. Why? An extra touch. "And God set a mark on Cain lest anyone on finding him kills him" (Gen 4:15). And fortunately, when God marks a man, nothing can waste the man. Not disease, not failure, not stagnancy, because He usually marks His own for good health, success and progress, regardless of how long it takes to materialize. As believers we have the extra touch upon our lives already. Being in Christ gives us the advantage as Paul said "From henceforth let no man[anything else inclusive] trouble me, for i bear on my body the mark of the Lord Jesus"(Gal 6:17). This season get prepared to completely enjoy the benefits of being marked by God; To enjoy the good health, the success, the progress. I'm ready already. However, what we do with this knowledge goes on a long way in what you yield out of it. Judas had this same knowledge but traded it for the devil's alternative. This season is one to engage fully in the benefits God's extra touch grants us, and the requisite it demands of us. He's already touched you, so walk in that liberty. It's yours!


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