You Are Approved Of God

 You don't need people's approval to feel worth something. All you need is what God has to say about you. What we call reputation is the people's assumption about you, so not everyone is going to think you are who God says you are. Even Jesus in His days on earth had some calling Him the messiah and others calling Him a demoniac and a mere carpenter from Nazareth, and He didn't feel any lesser about Himself because He knew God called Him Son. You don't have to let people drive you into thinking you have no value; and nowadays there are many bad people who want you feeling sad because they are to and want you down because that's where they are. You are precious to God, and so you have to think precious to God. Furthermore, it's your word against theirs. No one can make you feel bad without your permission. No one can tell you who you are unless you agree with them. Jesus said the world won't accept you. So you don't have to squirm because someone thinks you are ugly, out of shape (sometimes you may really be out of shape and may need to work out a bit), or without potential; rather you should rejoice because despite everyone's opinion about you- since man has a mouth to talk, God's opinion is final,  and He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14); the apple of His eyes (Zech 2:8), and His own (1 Cor 3:23). So never get intimidated, get intrigued by everything God says you are.


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