Success Is A Decision

 Confucius said "Success is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall". In our pursuit of the better life, there will always be times when we fall short, or- in terms men use- fail. However, that's not a problem. Like they say, a man is not measured by how long he stands, but how fast he rises whenever he falls. Man is yet imperfect, and because of this not-so-perfect nature he is bound for some falls- be it in his daily enterprises or emotional hookups. Nevertheless, there is a mandate for us to strive to attain near perfection, at least if not certainly perfect; and one way of achieving that is to stand up every time we fall short. In fact, our success rates are measured by the number of times we rise and blossom better than before; and that's why a true success story never seems complete without a time in which a backlog/setback occurred. Hence, you might have had failed acquaintances with people in the past, that doesn't make you a failure; choosing to stay failed makes you one. You might have had awful grades, you can still do better and be better. All it depends on is your willingness to stand up from that setback and see it as a setup for something greater. Confucius might have had a name that sounds like the term confused, but he wasn't; he knew what true success entails. Life judges us not by the number of times we laughed or mourned, but by the number of times we chose to give up and those in which we chose to give it all to rise again. That being the case, i urge you to see chances of success not in the advantages there might be, but in your own personal decision to succeed- and with that zeal go ahead despite the pitfalls surrounding life, and indeed succeed.


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