Live Above Your Fears

 One of the evidences of doubt is fear. A simple expose we give to the evil one to let him know that we are not 100% assured of what God has said regarding our lives is the symptom of fear we exhibit from time to time. Let's say God has said He would never leave you hungry, and yet because you can't find the groceries you need to make dinner four hours before time you simply start entertaining thoughts about if the promise was just not meant for that day. Every form of fear is a form of doubt towards GOD, and every form of doubt is simple distrust in Him. Now, there are some problems in our lives at the moment that will never go away no matter how hard we pray. Not because we aren't praying well or believing well, but because God has a momentary purpose for it. All He expects of us is to trust Him without fear, knowing that the ordeal won't be our inheritance for life (Gen 15:4). This we clearly see in the life of Abraham. All he did to pass the test that took all his woes away was a clear evidence before God that he trusted Him both before and after his sought after answer came. Similarly, just weeks after the most dreadliest coup d'etat ever to have occurred in Bible times, David would yet proclaim 'With your help i can advance against a troop; with my God i can scale over a wall' (2 Sam 22:30). Though David was on the running side against Absalom's forceful takeover. Though the present didn't look as much as he wished- betrayals everywhere, and losses all around. However, he didn't see it as a cause to be afraid because he believed without doubt that he could scale over any problem with God on his side. That's the kind of belief God wants of us. Not the type that falters when challenges surface, nor the type that is controlled by the present, but the type that sees glorious futures in the shadows of an horrible present. The kind that trusts Him whether in life or death. The type that considers God and not circumstances. That's the kind of belief God wants from you; and believe me it's not faith in reversal (fear), it's faith in response to exactly what God already said and how He said it. He seeks trust.....Trust Him!


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