Living Beyond Your Life

 Impact is one choice-of-a-product of a man's life that has the ability to survive longer than he may ever do. It always lives beyond the doer. Legacies are borne from it, likewise memoirs and every other awesome memory people may have of us years after we cease to exist. The ability to bring positive influence to people's lives is an attribute every man should strive for; because with such great an influence, a man never dies. A man is not dead when he yet lives in the hearts of millions, he only changed his form of existence. This we see in Jesus who now lives in the hearts of multitudes, forever sitted in glory at the right hand of God. So, the watchword today is to strive to make impact as best as you can. The old lady who you spend a little time with at the hospice every now and then will never forget those minutes you made her feel important again- in that her conversations were strongly desired. The lad you convinced can change the world when he's in doubt about if he could even change his life will never forget the fellow who told him 'you can' when his day comes. The student you give the best of your knowledge to become a star in her field years later will never forget; the child you train as best as you can as to have a good future will never forget. No one you truly impact will ever forget. This is the secret to living forever: find a life, and deposit the best of you- advice, care, help, mentoring, nurturing- in it; and as long as that fellow lives and all other progenies he also imparts live, you live. Hence, Dare to make your life count. Dare to leave your footprints on the sand of time. Dare to influence future events. Dare to change a life. God believes you can; if you believe you can, then yes you will (Mark 9:23).


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