The Responsibility

 All God has sought for throughout the centuries, through the mass population of the civilized and the non-civilized, the generations of the wise and the simpleton, and through the grim marshes of the tropics and the plain temperate regions, is a people. From the days of Adam to the day when you and I stood with our hearts searching for a source of hope, God has been standing right there in front of mankind saying 'I'm here, I'm it'. For a long time coming, He has been seeking a group to share His person with, a people to grant His royal inheritance to, a people to share a walk with every time He steps a foot on our familiar routes. However, while on His part He has made up His mind to draw in as many as desire to stand where He does by His Son, the onus falls back on us to do the walking towards Him. The truth is, we will never really be able to be sure we are with Him as He wants us to be, or to find Him as He's made Himself accessible to us, until we get to a certain level of intensity in our drive to find Him. He says 'You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek me with your heart' (Jer 29:13). God wants us to get to that state where we need not use words but simply the pangs of our hearts as a sign of how hungry we are for Him. Words may be decietful, but the heart never lies. He wants this intensity of our heart's desire for Him to go beyond the estimation of any cardiogram. And all it begins with is you and I finding enough room in our hearts for God. We might not be able to see heaven today, but let the state of our hearts draw Him in until heaven becomes clear to us on earth; plus remember that they that hunger for Him shall be satisfied (Matt 5:6). He's waiting for a people to satisfy: and to begin with, He's waiting for you.
 As discussed in the last note, every deed has its returns, whether good or bad. We have another proof in His words: 'Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap' (Gal 6:7). Here we see God describing it as an insult to Himself when a man receives anything different from what he puts in. So cheer up! As long as you're investing good seeds, you're bound for a good harvest. It may not have shown up- perhaps it's having its intercalary growth to establish its roots firmly before it begins sprouting forth- it will. However, this is what i want you to know today: God is not partial in rewarding. He doesn't give you a better harvest because you're a christian, when you're as lazy as the lazy itself. God's principles apply to all evenly. He may have special promises for His children, but His law of the returns applies amicably to all men. "Know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free" (Eph 6:8 NIV). Never let your status with God keep you from doing the right things you should. Even Jesus' parable of the talents proves it. Being stewards of the master, it means they were all believers, but the fellow who buried his seed talent got nothing as harvest; but the one with five got his five back with extra dividends. Understand that! Being a child of God is not a license to be idly unprofitable. In fact, it is a reason to be most profitable- having all the principles at our forefront. In the slimest capacity you can, do the best you can. If it's studying, study the best you can. If it's working, work the best you can. If it's singing or any other art, do the best you can; because only the best seed yield the best harvest. Only the best input yields the best output. Imbibe yourself with an attitude that readily yearns to put in the best quality, and as long as seed time and harvest remains (which God attached to His covenant of creation), you will definitely receive the best quality harvest you can imagine. That's all i can say; and i only hope we'd be wise enough to key rightly into the mystery of investing the best in every deed we do.


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