The Audacity Of Positivity

 The words we speak and the thoughts we give ourselves to are the two major defining tools of our lives. David knew this, and so he prayed that the words of his mouth and his meditations be acceptable (Ps 19:14). Our daily meditations and expressions go a long way in determining the outcome of our lives. That is, they can either make a future for us or mar that which we already have. Once God has you saved, the next thing He does is to redefine your mind. This He does because while you might be saved, the sustenance of it depends on the things you harbour acceptably within the inner closet of your soul. Little wonder why in one part Paul advised we focus our minds on the things of Christ (Col 3:2), and in another He instructs that we never conform to the world's thought pattern but be renewed in mind by God's Spirit (Rom 12:2); showing us that whatever happens to our minds happens to our lives. Such that if your mind is filled with positives, you stand a big chance of having a life full of positive things, but if negative, then vice versa. God wants to fix our mentality- our mindsets. But while the will is there, we've got to let Him. That's where freewill comes in- if we keep Him out He stays out unless in rare cases, and if we let Him in He's in. Now, the major reason He wants to do this, is to create the capacity in us to receive all the benefits He implants on us daily, which without the right mind it would be hard to believe for it talkless of receiving it. This is that moment where you've got to submit all of yourself to God, with your mind inclusive. Neville Goddard wrote,
 "When man solves the mystery of imagining, he will have discovered the secret of causation, and that is:Imagining creates reality. Therefore, the man who is aware of what he is imagining knows what he is creating; realizes more and more that the drama of life is imaginal — not physical. All activity is at bottom imaginal. An awakened Imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable. Objects seem so independent of our perception of them that we incline to forget that they owe their origin to imagination. The world in which we live is a world of imagination, and man—through his imaginal activities—creates the realities and the circumstances of life; this he does either knowingly or unknowingly. Men pay too little attention to this priceless gift—The Human Imagination—and a gift is practically non-existent unless there is a conscious possession of it and a readiness to use it. All men possess the power to create reality, but this power sleeps as though dead, when not consciously exercised. Men live in the very heart of creation—The Human Imagination—yet are no wiser for what takes place therein. The future will not be fundamentally different from the imaginal activities of man; therefore, the individual who can summon at will whatever imaginal activity he pleases and to whom the visions of his imagination are as real as the forms of nature, is master of his fate." (Excerpt from Neville Goddard's The Law and The Promise).
With no further ado, i wish only to say that, as it was depicted above, we forged our own life forms on earth. We can never get to a future we never once pictured in our hearts- whether good or bad; so it would only be wise- for God's sake and yours- that you acceptably picture moments that align with God's promise to His children, so that eventually as you live as best as you should, you would end up there as your destiny is revealed to the world. 'Whatever is lovely, whatever is excellent, what is praiseworthy...think on these things' (Phil 4:8)
God wants His nature of peace, righteousness, hope and joy in every aspect of your being including your mind; and this is because He knows that once He has your spirit and your mind, your flesh stands no chance against the realization of all He's planned for you.


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