Live in The Reality Of Your Faith

 One very special attribute of God evident in man-even you and I-if we let it is the ability to make a reality from within. Jesus, in almost every conversation with someone in need of a miracle, always said 'According to your faith, let it be'. That's like saying let your physical life become exactly what you just pictured it to be. He literally gives us the audacity to determine the texture of our lives by what we decide to believe and see as possible as a result. And so now, it then becomes impossible for a man to arrive at a future he'd never seen. What am I trying to say? Just like God, we must learn to continue to see the reality of our expectations within until we see it real without. We have our example of God in Romans 4:17. Regardless of what you want to become in the nearest or farthest future, the chance that they are going to materialize is optimized only when you can see yourself as such in your mind and spirit. That reality has to consume you within firstly before you can be engulfed by it externally. Hence, if you want to be a doctor, believe in your heart first that you can be that fellow in blue attire, and then it wouldn't be so blurry for you to see as you endeavour to make a life of it. When you pray also, see the answers, because only then can you be sure in your heart that indeed you've got it. We can't get what we can't see; we may bump into it, but it doesn't guarantee our taking it. Seeing it first makes it all easy. Here's what i'm asking you to do: Live your life in such a manner that your expectations begin to seem more real to you than the reality you have surrounding you- and once that's done, your expectations are left with no choice but to become realities too.


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