Our Acts Shape Our Lives

 According to God's own judgment, we remain unfinished products. But not in a bad way, in a good way. This means that regardless of what we are now, God still has the capacity to make room in us for more. We are raw materials for more glory. Speaking to Jeremiah, using the illustration of the potter and the clay, He says 'Like clay in the hands of the potter, so are you in my hands' (Jer 18:6). The potter has the capacity to take a worked on clay and shape it into a new pot. Even if it's been marred in his hands, he can form a much better brand as it seems best to him. Similarly, God has the power to add to our glory and also the power to remove from it. He has the power to take us higher even when are at the highest peak as He did with John in his revelation. So, altogether we remain as subjects with the tendency to be worked on more- whether to our increase or our depletion. Thus, at this juncture, our smartest move would be to please the potter so that in his working we would come out as vessels of honour. Furthermore, the process it would take to get us to this state of greater honour might not be as our regular pleasantries; however when it's done we'd be worth manifold more in value. He might have to spin you- that is getting you off your comfort zone, or heat you- that is placing a little trial before you, or slapped on and rolled upon hard surfaces, but believe Him when He's done, you're not going to remain clay, but rather porcelain, pottery or something else of great value. Your status would definitely hit a change. This is something only the potter can do; and that's why even the inanimate object knows that before completion it doesn't struggle against the potter, and after completion it doesn't go back to being marred or broken, because in each case it gets discarded. So what it does is to keep its vessel fit for more honour. That can be your own story too- fit for more honour. But it all depends on how you act before the potter- how you act daily before God.


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