The Law Of Returns

The mystical benefits behind the Biblical command to give would be elusive to us if we fail to recognize the 'law of the returns', or what we may choose to call the law of sowing and reaping. As you give, you get. The more the more, the less the less. First of all, He didn't say 'Try to give'... No! He said 'Give'- an absolute command in the form of an advice, with extra benefits attached if one obliges. Now, to the real reason for this note: He said "Give, and it shall be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Luke 6.38 NIV). When you give money to those in need, you're bound to have a return in time to come. It's a natural law. Even Newton's third law of motion supports the notion. When you give a good advice or a bad one as the case may be, you're bound for a return. But here's what i want to focus on today: When you work diligently and hard, you are bound for diligent-sized results. It's like a boomerang; the force with which you throw it is the same it returns with. In your career, the exact amount of work you put in is the same measure you get as rewards. That's why nobody pays beyond the sort of work you do. The evaluation of your work done determines the results you get paid with. Same with our relationship with God and men. The more effort we put into knowing God more, or knowing our acquaintances more, the more revelation of their persons we receive. This is the somewhat sullen truth about life: we don't get beyond what we put in. We may get pressed down quantities, or running over sizes- just as one seed yields multitudes- however the quality (not necessarily the quantity) of the result we get in time depends on the quality of the deeds we do. So, inscribed in that verse is a solemn call to invest in profitable deeds- give well, work well, learn well, know well, do well and in due season we'd have bountiful returns as dividends. Hence, do well to give your best at all times; for remember every departure has an arrival- and so do the deeds you do. "Do not be weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap a harvest if you faint not" (Gal 6:9)


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