Now Is In Your Power

Whatever we shall be is not determined by what we had been, but by what we shall choose to become. Our future is not a function of the past, it's a function of now. The choices we make now decides what we get. We may not be able to change the past, but we can change our futures by changing our nows. This concerns all aspects of our lives. We may have done bad in the past, but if we make a decision to get better, we would be better. A vehicle going the wrong way would only get in the right direction when it chooses to make a U-turn in its now moment. Furthermore, even the Bible says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). It isn't discriminatory. It didn't say a man born in a puritanical city, nor a man who's regular at church. It says ANY man. His past isn't the primary factor; his today is. His decision now is what makes him a new creation. So, cheer up! Your past may not be as bright as you expected, but luckily for you the difference between the past and the future is based on the choices you make today. There is still hope for you as long as you can see better days for yourself, and are willing to choose rightly in order to tread that path. Hope never dies; and this is so because if we can still see the future, it is sustained, and if we can still make bright decisions every now and then in our lives, it is attained. I'll end this note with this words: I may not know who you are, or what you've gotten so far in your trades with life, but if you'd just put aside your past failures and think and act as a winner should today, i can assure you that you'd be bound for a win. It's never over until you say it's over. The wrestling bout isn't over until you refuse to kick out when life pins you down. Your decision to kick out may just give you the platform to launch your winning attack. Know that no one determines your destiny- not even your past, your choices today are what make or mar you. The world may mock you because of your past or present, but if you'd take making the right decisions now as a major priority, every mockery will be translated to glory. For instance, Peter's was to identify with Christ. So, be wise and choose to make the best of your todays; for if you can invest rightly now, you can be sure now of reaping rightly.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Newtan. I hope you were blessed by it. And please also do well to share with as many as possible. Thanks again.


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