Living The David's Tale

 Praising God even in the midst of a storm tells a lot about you. In fact, it completes your resume before God. Just so you know: God's greatest delight is always to find someone who would stick to Him not for the gifts He offers, but for the Person He is. As similar as it is to our secular relationships where we all seek someone who would stay with us not for what we have but for who we are, so it is also with God. When God sees us trust Him, praise Him, and believe Him despite our unpleasant circumstances, it reveals a lot to Him; like for instance how we are not just there for the gift but for the Giver, not for the made but for the Maker, not for the gold but for the God. When God called David a man after His own heart, it was for the very reason that before David sought a benefit, he sought God's heart (will). Before he lifted up his need, he lifted up his arms (in worship). Even on the day his son died, knowing fully well that God was involved, instead of putting up a gloomy attitude he appeared with thanksgiving before Him. He did this not because he was psychotic, nor because he hated the kid, but because he realized that despite any loss, the greatest gain was still nearby, and he stuck to it- he stuck to God. So, your willingness to obey God even when the evidences of the reward of your past obedience appear absent; your willingness to trust Him even when your plans seem better and faster; your willingness to praise Him even when you can't see any epic reason to do so; and your willingness to believe Him even when He keeps you in the dark regarding any issue say a lot about the extent of your loyalty to God. And remember those who seek Him first, get every other thing desired along with Him. Hence, why don't you do every good thing toward God that your present circumstance depicts as impossible, such as trusting, believing, obeying and praising Him, and watch your life transcend past the possible limit of glory.


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