The Efficiency Of Wisdom

 Hardwork creates the platform for success, but it is wisdom that assures it. To get things done as appropriate as possible, working hard isn't enough, we must learn to work wise. A story is told of two lumberjacks who were both given 7 hours to bring down a huge tree each. While the first fellow kicked off immediately striking his blade against the hard-barked tree, the other sat on the floor sharpening his. This went on for 4 hours; and after that the second fellow began his. At the end of the 7th hour, the second fellow had fallen a tree, while the first who had been hitting since the 1st hour still had more to do to bring it down. The secret was that while the first man kept using a blunt blade, thinking longer time would make it work sharper than it was, the second fellow used his first hours to ensure he had his working equipment at closely 100% efficiency. In simple terms, the second engaged more wisdom than mere hardwork, and broke every barrier of hardluck. He created his own luck. If we must get the best in every endeavor, for every 1% we give to hardwork, we must give 99 to wisdom. However, one may argue that not everyone is so wise. Well, while that may be true, it doesn't say not every one can't be wise. If you need wisdom, all you have to do is ask the One who gives freely to all men. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God......and it shall be given him (Jam 1:5). Hence, ask, that you may have it in full. Solomon did and got it, so can we. Once we have, engage every activity with it and you would find yourself reaping a harvest of results you never anticipated. Remember, hardwork creates the platform, but only wisdom gets the job properly done. From here, i say, see you on the wise end!


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