
Showing posts from August, 2018

Never Settle For Less

DAILY VITAMIN  Sometimes, on noticing your routine actions, you'd realize that you may often believe that even if it's going to cost the earth's rotation round the sun for you to get a miracle, then what the heck, let it be. You might also realize that your faith also throws you off limits to command all protocols assuaged just for you to get all you need at the moment. A long time ago, if that happened i would think we were insanely proud, but now that i've learnt that it was genetically passed on from our spiritual Father, then i consider it a plausible trait for all believers. Therefore, it's not our fault, we picked it up from Jesus Himself. Looking at the fig tree, even though He knew it was out of its season, He yet expected a produce from it at least for His personal consumption (Mark 11:12-14). Jesus was well aware it was off season for figs production, still He felt He was too special to be treated in the same manner as natural beings by that tree. He beli...

Living Beyond Nature

DAILY VITAMIN  Sometimes, on noticing your routine actions, you'd realize that you may often believe that even if it's going to cost the earth's rotation round the sun for you to get a miracle, then what the heck, let it be. You might also realize that your faith also throws you off limits to command all protocols assuaged just for you to get all you need at the moment. A long time ago, if that happened i would think we were insanely proud, but now that i've learnt that it was genetically passed on from our spiritual Father, then i consider it a plausible trait for all believers. Therefore, it's not our fault, we picked it up from Jesus Himself. Looking at the fig tree, even though He knew it was out of its season, He yet expected a produce from it at least for His personal consumption (Mark 11:12-14). Jesus was well aware it was off season for figs production, still He felt He was too special to be treated in the same manner as natural beings by that tree. He beli...

Responding Right (5)

DAILY VITAMIN  Several experiences have revealed to us that we must keep silent whenever the enemy taunts us, but if we must speak, then we must speak only the words already declared to us by God. The enemy gets pleasure in watching us trying to give excuses on why his claims seem true, because he knows that with that in a short while doubt and fear of 'what if he's right' will set in. The cue is to keep silent even when the claims of his taunting appear somewhat true at the present; and note your silent isn't because he is right, but because according to all God already assured you it's simply gibberish- and all gibberish need no response. In the wilderness, Jesus did just that. The devil sought to tempt Jesus with all Jesus already knew God had assured Him, and Jesus wouldn't respond to him with "I will show you its true" remarks, rather He dismissed him, because He knew God's words never need the devil's backup to be proved. They are foreve...

Hand It All To God

DAILY VITAMIN  Paul wrote "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God" (2 Cor 3:5 NIV). The time seems ripe enough as the moment when all men must begin to return all glories back to God. Self-praise and self-reliance were never God's plan for man, so if we engage in it, then it means we are participating in an act that was created by the adulteration of God's eternal will. God's plan is for us to abide in Him. To abide means to dwell in, but most importantly to have our being [in Him]. Regardless of our giftings, God expects us to rely on Him in ways we can never rely on our abilities, but gone be it that many today rely on their abilities above a God they disdain as not to have seen or felt- an act that is exasperating in His sight. However, reliance on God doesn't just happen overnight or automatically, it is a conscious act that is initiated when we learn to appreciate whom He is. If we'd ...

Stay Focused

DAILY VITAMIN  One truth that would remain extant throughout time is that setbacks and defeats will come on the journey to achieving your dreams. At such times, patience is what we need as a major priority. Carl Jung observed that “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness,and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity". There's no such thing as a trouble-free life, but there is such as a trouble-less life, and it is determined by our reactions towards whatever we encounter in life. Thus, do not ever let life's up and downs make you lose track of your goals, thereby driving you into a state of unneeded panic. In that panic many a person fail to do one simple thing that could have changed the entire outcome of their misadventure. That is simply to return back to the faith that assures it is well and get as much knowledge revolving around their next ...

Basking In The Wisdom Of God

BASKING IN THE WISDOM OF GOD  Ask the man closest to you, where you stand, what he would want at this moment: money or wisdom? And the odds are that he would always pick money even if you were to rewind that moment over and over again. In this modern age, people place little or no value on wisdom, and focus all their strengths on how to amass money; forgetting that wisdom is the birthplace of all wealth entails. You see, while money is great, it is only temporal fix to solving your problems even if you don't believe me. However, wisdom has the ability to leave you trouble free. In fact, if we had a world chasing wisdom, there would be less folly and as such less disasters. Now, if operating in sensual wisdom can give us such solace, how much when we as children of God operate in our God given rights, which is the wisdom of God? You see, I have always said we are not trying to be like God, we are in Him- and as such are Him. And so it's only natural to walk in every dimension H...

Living in His Will

DAILY VITAMIN  Most times, all we need to do to eliminate the problems that so easily beset us is to act as God instructs us to. Many people have pinned down themselves to be afraid when their trials come that even though this challenge were to be as weak as a cockroach, they will see every reason to flee in fear, when a simple squatch would have ended their dreads. Same way, the problems we could have ended with a squatch are those we elevate out of the fear of 'what if it's stronger than I'. John wrote 'He that is in you is greater' (1 John 4:4), thereby meaning that even at our weakest feeling of strength in Christ, we carry the capacity to squatch our dreaded circumstances if only we believe and act as God expects of us. For instance, when the news of a king whose trademark was to gouge out the right eyes of men came to Israel- a news that stated that he had captured Jabesh, they curled up and cried as men that had no strength to save their loved ones. But on S...

All Things Are Possible In Him

DAILY VITAMIN  Many people ask questions about how possible it is for an entire world to be saved via simply believing in one man. They ask questions about how an ex-murderer could all of a sudden be termed a saint. They ask about how the dejected and rejected can overnight become the accepted. To all of these, God simply answers- "Human speaking, no one. But with God, everything is possible"(Matt 19:26). Same way, you might think within yourself about how feasible it is to make something better out of yourself in this worse state you are in right now. You might even doubt about why God would go through the stress of making you His ideal version of the you He intends to see. Yet, in response God still says "With God, all things are possible". Even Jesus during His time saw it possible for a camel to journey right through the eye of a needle; and if He thinks that, then it means He also sees our becoming everything that seems impossible in our lives as a possible re...

Live Life Thankfully

DAILY VITAMIN  Many a time, people say they have nothing to be thankful for judging by the distaste of their present situation; and often times such situations still pose strongly as though they were right all along, as it astounds us with a "the more you look, the less you see" syndrome, such that the more we seek solace, the less we see any form of it, only an aggravated version of our past sufferings. However, regardless of the mishappenings we experience, there is always a reason to be thankful; one of which is the very life we have that stands as a beacon of hope to see the things we expect. Recently, i watched a documentary about the Nazis' rage on neighbouring european countries during WWII. On this occasion, hundreds of people were martyred in front of a church in Tuscany, ranging from elderlies to pregnant women, toddlers and the yet to be born children; and it came to my consciousness that just in the same way we didn't choose to be born into our present ci...

The Power Of Vision

DAILY VITAMIN  It's a popular saying that many a persons look, but only a few truly see. Now, if the greatest gift man has received isn't the gift of sight but that of vision, then it means true seeing is found in vision and not mere sight. Vision sees your destination even when you're a far way away from there. Vision judges by what it believes and not what is painted on the borders of regular human living. Vision agrees with God's say rather than being deflated by the opinions of men. Vision sees opportunities in oppositions, promises in problems, comebacks in setbacks, returns in detours, aand pastures in ruptures- and this is so because a man with a vision sees through his spirit more than he does through the eyes, thereby seeing everything God's way rather than the ways of men. For instance, let's take a look at Jesus Himself. Jesus had the cross placed before Him, yet He could see something different- glory. He had death offered to Him, yet He saw life, w...

You Are Being Watched

DAILY VITAMIN  It is reported that Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi once said when asked about Jesus, that, "I've heard about Jesus, I know Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God, but if Christians were more like Him, I would be a christian". He didn't make this statement because he was incited by an hormonal rush to speak to the media, but because of the philosophy of life that a man's entirety should be a reflection of his faith, something he claimed to not have sincerely seen in the lives of the christians around him at the moment. On the other hand, Jesus said "According to thy faith, let it be", and as much as it depicts how receiving is a function of believing, it also portrays that our 'outputs' in life- the way we talk, the way we live, the words we speak, our gestures and characters should be a function of our 'inputs'- our beliefs. Just like Gandhi, the whole world is watching us to tell our stories. Biographers are watching us...

Love Is The Principal Thing

DAILY VITAMIN  If the gifts God gives men are for them to profit with, then what do you think is the principal source of all things that God could ever profit with? Paul shows us the way to God's heart. The way to birth the multiplication of His likeness as written in Genesis 1:26-28. He wrote that while faith is great and hope is good, there's nothing more of a necessity than love (1 Cor 13:2). Faith may move mountains, but love moves the hearts of men. Faith reveals our expression as those who trust God, but love reveals our expression as those who are gods- like God. God expects us to live in love if we must grow in the Lord. And what is love? Love is more than just the affection that compels us to want to share and be shared. It is more than just the emotion that gives the most. Love is patient- it's willing to wait as far as it leads to someone's safety, bodily and in spirit. Love is kind- it's willing to suffer the pain of others and to enjoy their laughter a...

Perfectly Made!

DAILY VITAMIN  If i were you and you were me, i would be the worst you, and you would be the worst me, because you are just the best version of you there is, as i am of myself. Scripture says God made us fearfully and wonderfully- that is to say we were created uniquely in person. God has no other better spare part for you. You are His best prototype of yourself, and only; and until we start to believe it and live as such we will never really be the maximum best He created us to be. For as scripture teaches "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he". You are what you accept you are. You are all you agree upon that you are. Today, are you going to agree with God who called us gods or with the despondent feeling of non-worthiness. They say your life is in your hands, because eventually it is your choice that makes or mar you. God has spoken, the world has as well, but it is what you speak that choose which side you agree with with and become. Don't count this a motivational,...

Can You Be Counted On?

DAILY VITAMIN  I believe everything man does in life- every challenge we overcome, every rule we obey, every temptation we pass, is to positively answer the question "Can We Be Counted On?". Throughout the history of humanity, many a person has tried to prove not only to his fellow men, but also to his followed God that he is trust-worthy. They are placed in a position where they are bound to prove their loyalty- a test they must pass. However, this is not just a human enterprise or idea, it has always been God's idea. Testing man and proving his worth is God's primary way of certifying a man He can entrust all He has in. Right from Adam down to Samson, and from Jesus to you, it has all been a test to reveal those who out of their love for Him would go the extra mile to do as He desires, and those who out of fear are only willing to obey Him when He's looking straight at them and disobey when He supposedly turns His back. Adam failed his test by giving in to the ...

Focusing On God

DAILY VITAMIN  Have you ever had this funny experience of getting things you desired when your mind least wondered in that direction than when you stay worried on how you can help yourself get it. If yes, Great! But if no, then you should know this. You may not like my philosophy, but most times, if we'd just stop chasing our wants selfishly and persuade ourselves unto God's own plan, we would have them chasing us in response as lions do when they suddenly stop being the prey and become the predator of men. We tend to create excess friction on the path of God's flow every time we try to place ourselves in His position when we clutch our lives at either receiving a particular thing or a solemn good-bye God, thereby hindering the move of His power to bring the reality of the things we seek. It is true that the more we focus on a thing, the more the tendency it becomes ours; but when such focus puts God on hold, it is one that can bring only more misery than we started with. ...

Passing The Test

DAILY VITAMIN   Whether we believe it or not, some situations....some very not to good situations remain stuck with us, not because God can't help us, or doesn't want to save us, but because at the moment they are God's way of testing us to see how much of Himself we are willing to hold on to when things aren't fair. It could be unsurmountable sometimes, believe me, but presumably when we do well, we always come out better and bolder in God. Paul had a thorn in the flesh. A problem that perhaps always brought disparity between his thoughts that God could do all things and the fears of if He really can't. He grew weary having it around, and so one day he prayed 'Lord take it away', but that didn't break God, not the tears, not the mumbling sounds mixed with his words, instead God said 'My grace is sufficient'(2 Cor 12:9), believe me you need this; and eventually it turned out great for Paul, in that he later wrote "..for when i'm weak, t...

The Exploits Of Faith

DAILY VITAMIN   The key to the successful life we seek- not based on currency, but on the level of the fulfilment of purpose, primarily involves three major deeds which we must implement daily until their results become visible in the unseen and tangible in the seen. #1-Have Faith In Yourself that you carry all God has deposited in you to actualize the fulfilment of your destiny. When God called Jeremiah to stand as a representative of His Person, he said he was a child (Jer 1:6), disapproving himself and setting himself as unfit. But God replied 'say not that you are a child', and to increase his faith, God gave him a physical proof by touching his tongue to show that His words were in his mouth. All we need to be who God has called us to lies within us: and this happened the day He made us with perfect finishing touches. So have faith! #2- Have Faith In Your Dreams that they are inspired and backed up by God to make them achievable. The three Hebrew young men knew that the...

Going Personal With God

DAILY VITAMIN   The importance of engaging in a personal walk with God cannot be over-emphasized. The advantages of hearing from Him, and listening to Him cannot be demerited. Not only does God speak to us on a daily basis, He also desires we'd be able to hear Him. Infact, one of the daily benefits spoken about in Psalm 68:19- of a matter of fact, the most important is God's ample words to us for the day at hand. The grace of God is ever available day to day, but the words we hear from Him brings it to our very realities. Isaiah, in writing, stated that when we are about to lose our way in life, in business, in spirit and other endeavours, the only hope we have to return to normalcy before God is through His voice -whether spoken or written in our hearts. He said "If you leave God's path and go astray, you will hear a voice behind you say 'No, this is the way, walk here" (Isa 30:21 TLB). Unless there's a constant flow of God's words to us, the chances...

You Can Change Your World

DAILY VITAMIN   The biggest thing you can give in life goes beyond the currencies we share, beyond our calculated risks to people in cash figures, beyond the things we count as only those qualified as good gifts. Infact, the greatest of gifts in this everyday world are your time, your love, your smile, your simple act of kindness and imparting words etc. The intangible things we count as nothing are the things that are truly of the greatest value in the sight of God and sincere men. And that's why when you give money or other properties you might get a swelled ego, but when you give something as minute as your time to listen, to pray, to counsel, to love, you get a swelled spirit- an expression that spells out God's alphabets to you as 'well done!' God didn't have to give us money for our redemption, rather He gave us time, love and joy all encompassed in the person of Christ, and then the money comes after. The human soul hungers for its own sort of fulfilment, so...

Seeking Help

DAILY VITAMIN   The biggest cause of fallouts between man and God is the fruition of pride, conceit and self reliance. To be sincere; in contrast to Benjamin Franklin's statement, i hold fast that 'God doesn't help those who think they can help themselves, but rather those who are helpless. Like Joyce Meyer once stated 'The first prerequisite to receive God's help is to be helpless'. For instance, Samson kept himself at bay when he evidently acknowledged that it was God's Holy Spirit in him who did all the supernaturales he exhibited, ranging from swinging men to ripping beasts apart, and lifting city gates, but the moment he claimed the glory for himself, when he said 'I will do as before, I will just shake myself free...'(Judges 16:20 LB), he lost everything, including the two eyes given to see the glories of the Lord in the land of the living. Moments before his death, he showed us that truly it is God who gives the power to achieve more than we...

Being Expressions Of Grace

DAILY VITAMIN   Prior to the exact manifestation of God's gift of grace through Jesus Christ, Isaiah prophesied of how ardent all of us would be as a result of the transforming power of God's love and care over the use-to-be sinner we once were. He said "On that day you will say, 'Praise the Lord! He was angry with me, but now He comforts me. See, God has come to save me! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my song; He is my salvation. "(12:1-2 LB). Thus, We have been shifted dynamically by His grace from the side of the damned to the side of the redeemed. Such that now God is not taking any more time to get angry with us, but will willingly choose to give more time to comfort us back to His presence. He has taken us to a point where we are safe not because we fulfilled all the demands, but because He supplied all we'd ever need in His dear Son. God loves us, and He shows this in so many ways that if we were ever going to say '...

Made To Shine

DAILY VITAMIN   It wouldn't sound too theological to say that God expects us to reflect His glory. Isaiah wrote of this in his strict command unto us to "Arise and shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you..."(60:1-2), and Paul reteirated the same when he spoke of our reflecting God's glory being now in Christ (2 Cor 3:18). God expects us to shine brighter than our heroes of faith ever did; and just the same way Jesus' star (which represents glory) was seen by the wise travellers, He expects the same of the world through us, since Christ has already given us the exact same glory (Rev 2:28). However, to do this, we need to give Jesus first place in our lives. The Law made us to see God's glory, but Grace through Christ enables us to reflect that same glory. Next is that we must be Spirit-filled, for the fullness of the Spirit makes us more like Christ, and if Christ is the glory of God according to scripture, then it makes us ...

Let God...

DAILY VITAMIN   If God could give us Jesus, then He can give us His all. Jesus was His best reserved gift for man, and so if He could yet give us Him, then He definitely can provide for us anything we need- even that request that keeps the tears rolling down our chin. Having this knowledge that God is faithful and ever willing to provide for us, it would only be right for us to completely trust Him. And the one way to show that is to be fully committed to Him. The wave of problems are at the dock of our world, ready to cause a major hit, and only those who have their houses/refuges built on a rock would keep steady in this unsteadied period. This rock that holds us strong, keeping us hopeful in trying circumstances is God; and He wants us to trust Him in that. In our careers, marriages and homes, let us learn to commit all of our ways to Him so as to give Him the access He desires to direct our lives to the purpose He long before predestined. Well, when things aren't so good, stay...

This is Your Day

DAILY VITAMIN   God has great plans for us all. Great gifts and benefits laid up for our taking in the Person of Christ, and all we have to do is simply plug in. This phenomenon might seem outrageous or too good to be true, that is how God can prepare all these good things even when we don't deserve it, but guess what? It is in all its senses true. We may find it hard to accept, hard to understand, hard to break it down to appeal to our human consciousness, but through Jesus' blood, this was settled. So, cheer up, God didn't need you to make the deposit, but He sure needs you to make yourself eligible to withdraw its dividends. John wrote "To all who believe He gave power to become....." (John 1:12). Like said earlier, we may not comprehend how something so great could come primarily so easy by simply accepting it, but look here: you don't understand how electricity works, yet you accept it, you plug in and enjoy it. At that moment the science of how the curr...