Seeking Help

  The biggest cause of fallouts between man and God is the fruition of pride, conceit and self reliance. To be sincere; in contrast to Benjamin Franklin's statement, i hold fast that 'God doesn't help those who think they can help themselves, but rather those who are helpless. Like Joyce Meyer once stated 'The first prerequisite to receive God's help is to be helpless'. For instance, Samson kept himself at bay when he evidently acknowledged that it was God's Holy Spirit in him who did all the supernaturales he exhibited, ranging from swinging men to ripping beasts apart, and lifting city gates, but the moment he claimed the glory for himself, when he said 'I will do as before, I will just shake myself free...'(Judges 16:20 LB), he lost everything, including the two eyes given to see the glories of the Lord in the land of the living. Moments before his death, he showed us that truly it is God who gives the power to achieve more than we've ever done or will, when on his knees, he took the place of the helpless seeking help from the only One True Helper of all- God. Again, when writing this note, the original copy got deleted, and just when i thought this was canceled since there was no possible way for me to get it back, i found myself writing another that had exactly the same context and even more improved than the original had, even when i had no copy to use as a reference, thus teaching me that it is not I who thinks it, but God who inspires it. Jesus taught that whoever seeks to save his life shall lose it (Matt 16:25), which in this context proves how the individual who thinks he can get everything by his own strength has nothing really he can actually achieve, for though he thinks himself the final dictator of his fate, but it is God who controls all that comes to us. It is true that by the great gift of man- his will, he can influence the final outcome of his life, yet we must never neglect that it is not him but God who brings the fulfilment of this outcome of his....for all things a man can receive comes from up above (John 3:27) . Thus, let's drop the 'I can do it on my own' attitude, the 'I don't need anybody's help' attitude, because in a world where we can't tell how our beginning (birth) and our end (death) are forged, we need all the help we can get from Someone greater than everyone. The best help we can give ourselves as men can only last as temporal as can be, but the help God offers sustains beyond our very everlastings. Grace was instituted to help the helpless- that is, those who see God's help as an only option, for Christ came not for those who claimed to be saved, but those who needed saving. Hence, let it sink into your conscious and subconscious that every effort to move a step further without God's help will never work, because for everyone who gets something beneficial the right way, whether he was conscious of it or not, was helped by Him, explaining why the less righteous individual still get blessed. Moses told the Israelis 'Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord' (Exodus 14:13), instructing that they embrace the mentality that it is their willingness to let and believe God to help that brings the solace they sought. Though, God requires that we make conscious effort to assure we progress in life, yet only with the mindset of 'Not by my power, nor might, but by His Spirit' (Zech 4:6). Therefore, stay humble and lowly in His presence, and the same out of His presence, for truly a man who receives the dividends of the 'trade of anticipation' is the man who knows that all he can ever get comes first from the Lord. So, cast all your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7), and not on the shoulders of personal ego, and watch your miracles come alive.


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