You Can Change Your World

  The biggest thing you can give in life goes beyond the currencies we share, beyond our calculated risks to people in cash figures, beyond the things we count as only those qualified as good gifts. Infact, the greatest of gifts in this everyday world are your time, your love, your smile, your simple act of kindness and imparting words etc. The intangible things we count as nothing are the things that are truly of the greatest value in the sight of God and sincere men. And that's why when you give money or other properties you might get a swelled ego, but when you give something as minute as your time to listen, to pray, to counsel, to love, you get a swelled spirit- an expression that spells out God's alphabets to you as 'well done!' God didn't have to give us money for our redemption, rather He gave us time, love and joy all encompassed in the person of Christ, and then the money comes after. The human soul hungers for its own sort of fulfilment, something that the gifts for the body can't give it, and the spirit strives for the same. Most times, we misjudge people's needs, and as a result flaunt all the cash we can spare on them, but deep within if we'd had only taken more time to have discovered their truest need, we'd have known that the impartation they seek goes beyond what we thought they needed. People place themselves on the suicidal row often times not just because they can't feed themselves physically, but because while they might have a full gut, they have empty souls, causing them to have little regard for life and for what it's worth: and so the onus returns back to us to get it right this time. However, because of our inability to give a penny, we eliminate ourselves from the list of givers, asking 'What can I give?'. Guess what? You can give your intangibles....your time, your encouraging words, your love, because deep inside everyone has a need for a richer spiritual state, and as much as many gainsayers may disagree, Jesus is the only source of real relief- the Bread of Life that can satisfy our daily pangs for spiritual purpose and fulfilment for our souls. Jesus is the epitome of belovedness, such that when you have Him, you put yourself up to be loved by God, and as such to embrace a deeper purpose to life. Many have a hard time believing this, even ourselves, and that's why we, as Christians, must find a way to make sure they find it easy, and this we do by giving our time, our love, our encouragements in unconditional amounts. The man who made of himself a man-killer at the expense of J.F Kennedy was reported to have done such a cruel thing out of dejection, and as a result shortlived his days as a free man because his wife had chosen to give him no love, no good words just curses and an unexplained hatred, all of which were the opposite of what the then president enjoyed; and look at what it caused, raising an eyebrow to what a bit of love, a bit of encouraging words, a bit of God could have achieved in the hollows of this discomfitted man's heart. Hence, know this, everyone was created with something to give- something to impart to another, something to affect someone else positively. So check yourself and give proportionally to what you were given, or even more; for indeed there is always something to do give and change the world of those around you!


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