Never Settle For Less

 Sometimes, on noticing your routine actions, you'd realize that you may often believe that even if it's going to cost the earth's rotation round the sun for you to get a miracle, then what the heck, let it be. You might also realize that your faith also throws you off limits to command all protocols assuaged just for you to get all you need at the moment. A long time ago, if that happened i would think we were insanely proud, but now that i've learnt that it was genetically passed on from our spiritual Father, then i consider it a plausible trait for all believers. Therefore, it's not our fault, we picked it up from Jesus Himself. Looking at the fig tree, even though He knew it was out of its season, He yet expected a produce from it at least for His personal consumption (Mark 11:12-14). Jesus was well aware it was off season for figs production, still He felt He was too special to be treated in the same manner as natural beings by that tree. He believed that God has provided His every need for every moment, and that it was displayed in His attitude and approach towards getting His desire. Many may argue that this was a concept based on pride of personality, but No Jesus showed us the way. It is more than just the pride of personality but the known right and privileges of personality. Wasn't God the One who promised we would never go hungry or thirst, Jesus drilled that tree to see that promise fulfilled, and when it didn't, it ceased to exist. Thus, as christians we carry a peculiar personality- one that God values gently as the apple of His eyes. So, even if everyone is passing through a recession because of the economic downfall, we have a promise that says we mustn't. The Children of Israel were in Egypt, yet while the whole of Egypt was covered by darkness, every place an Israeli placed his feet had light on that path. We have been called to be different- to react differently, to be acted on differently, by the covenant that was sealed with blood. However, it might not completely appear so now based on the challenges and persecution we are entangled in, yet refuse to let your face get downcasted, because in due time, all your believing and privileges will surface as true in a flash. Hence, know that you are different. Others may be given ultimatums, but as for us through Christ protocols are broken to relieve us of such ultimatums. We are new creations, and as such we must carry new reactions and bear new fruitions- one that assures that despite the rigidity of human protocols, with God all things are possible, even living above the very laws of human protocols. The power and the grace that gives access to the greater than these promise has been made available by His death, and only by believing does it truly have a presence in our lives. Make the best of it, and in process make God proud!


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