Hand It All To God

 Paul wrote "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God" (2 Cor 3:5 NIV). The time seems ripe enough as the moment when all men must begin to return all glories back to God. Self-praise and self-reliance were never God's plan for man, so if we engage in it, then it means we are participating in an act that was created by the adulteration of God's eternal will. God's plan is for us to abide in Him. To abide means to dwell in, but most importantly to have our being [in Him]. Regardless of our giftings, God expects us to rely on Him in ways we can never rely on our abilities, but gone be it that many today rely on their abilities above a God they disdain as not to have seen or felt- an act that is exasperating in His sight. However, reliance on God doesn't just happen overnight or automatically, it is a conscious act that is initiated when we learn to appreciate whom He is. If we'd just reflect back and see that each moments of our lives were made possible by God and not abilities, and that the outcome is first determined by God before abilities (Lam 3:37), we would realize that the safest risk in life is to depend on God. It's ironic how we've made Him a factor when He's indeed THE Factor that gives our lives an essence. The depth of our reflection at this point determines the height of our appreciation, which is the threshold of our elevation. All we are is found in Him. Once you realize that, there will be no more struggles. No more 'I did that', or 'I must do that'; all there will be is 'God did that', 'God will do that through me'......and believe God if you hand over your all to Him, He hands it back to you, but more secured than it was when you first had it untouched by Him.


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