Basking In The Wisdom Of God

 Ask the man closest to you, where you stand, what he would want at this moment: money or wisdom? And the odds are that he would always pick money even if you were to rewind that moment over and over again. In this modern age, people place little or no value on wisdom, and focus all their strengths on how to amass money; forgetting that wisdom is the birthplace of all wealth entails. You see, while money is great, it is only temporal fix to solving your problems even if you don't believe me. However, wisdom has the ability to leave you trouble free. In fact, if we had a world chasing wisdom, there would be less folly and as such less disasters. Now, if operating in sensual wisdom can give us such solace, how much when we as children of God operate in our God given rights, which is the wisdom of God? You see, I have always said we are not trying to be like God, we are in Him- and as such are Him. And so it's only natural to walk in every dimension He does. If we all walk in this, then our lives will really be heaven on earth (Pro 4:5-12).
 However, I want you to know that wisdom is not hesitant. It doesn't go for what's available, it goes for what is right. Wisdom never frets. It does not look for short-cuts or try to cut corners, it creates its own path until it finds what it desires. Wisdom brings profit in the midst of losses. It doesn't matter how many people have failed doing a thing, wisdom brings a new way to doing it so as to get a new way of results. And also wisdom is patient. Wisdom doesn't rush, it pushes past the fear and the limitations. And as already said, we have such a wisdom, having the mind of Christ. We are products of the manifold wisdom of God; and since a product can't be separated from its material, then we have not only wisdom, but the wisdom of God. The only thing now we got to do is operate in it. Jesus taught us that to get the best out of life, we must be not only godly and gentle as the dove, but also as wise as the serpent. That is, we must be so wise in our everyday engagements that even the devil can't outsmart us. You see, in Christ, we have the potential to be wiser than Solomon. He was. And as He is, so are we. So, you have in you the capacity to be a solution to nations. To have high profile folks consult your counsel. Obadiah called us saviors marching out to judge nations (Oba 21). Zechariah called us leaders to various tribes (Zech 8:23). It is our destiny in Jesus. But to truly operate in this kind of wisdom, the first thing is to reverence God above all things (Job 28:28). That's where it begins. It is where Joseph, Daniel, Solomon even Jesus started; and it is where you must. Until God becomes your primary reason for living, then you may never live a life that exemplifies His. Fill your heart with love for Him, and out of it will flow virtues that only Him can exude, including such wisdom.


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