Being Expressions Of Grace

  Prior to the exact manifestation of God's gift of grace through Jesus Christ, Isaiah prophesied of how ardent all of us would be as a result of the transforming power of God's love and care over the use-to-be sinner we once were. He said "On that day you will say, 'Praise the Lord! He was angry with me, but now He comforts me. See, God has come to save me! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength and my song; He is my salvation. "(12:1-2 LB). Thus, We have been shifted dynamically by His grace from the side of the damned to the side of the redeemed. Such that now God is not taking any more time to get angry with us, but will willingly choose to give more time to comfort us back to His presence. He has taken us to a point where we are safe not because we fulfilled all the demands, but because He supplied all we'd ever need in His dear Son. God loves us, and He shows this in so many ways that if we were ever going to say 'that's a lie', even the wind could smack us right in the face, saying 'can't you see that's why i don't have your house in my arms despite my alarming intensity'. God doesn't just say He loves, He proves He loves. He doesn't just acclaim goodness, His works prove it that all creations have no option but to call Him good in all situations. And what does He expect of us, but that we love Him just as much as He does us; first by obeying His every word (1 John 5:3), and also that we love our fellow men (1 John 4:7). Therefore, when last did you see your neighbour and simply revealed God to him or her by just acting towards them the same way God acts towards you? But you might ask how's it possible for me to reflect God to them? Jesus said to Peter when he had seen Him walk on water and requested to do exactly the same thing, 'Alright, Come along!' (Matt 14:29). In those words, Jesus showed that you can be as much of God as you desire to be. Expressing as much of His qualities as you want to. Such that if you want to be compassionate to others as Jesus was, alright come along! If you want to love and help the helpless as He did, alright come along! If you want to please God all the days of your life, alright come along! We can be just as much of Jesus to others as He is, thereby reflecting not only the love of God to them, but revealing the same love of God in us, so that through us many a fellow can find their way back to the side where it's no longer the anger of God but the comfort of God through His Holy Spirit. "And now, through Christ, all the kindness of God has been poured out upon us undeserving sinners; and now He is sending us out around the world to tell all people everywhere the great things God has done for them, so that they, too, will believe and obey Him"(Rom 1:5 LB). Hence, let God's grace be seen overflown in you, and this you do when you simply supply all the love within you towards God and man even when these men don't meet our demands, just as God for Christ's sake loves us despite our not meeting His perfect standard.


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