This is Your Day

  God has great plans for us all. Great gifts and benefits laid up for our taking in the Person of Christ, and all we have to do is simply plug in. This phenomenon might seem outrageous or too good to be true, that is how God can prepare all these good things even when we don't deserve it, but guess what? It is in all its senses true. We may find it hard to accept, hard to understand, hard to break it down to appeal to our human consciousness, but through Jesus' blood, this was settled. So, cheer up, God didn't need you to make the deposit, but He sure needs you to make yourself eligible to withdraw its dividends. John wrote "To all who believe He gave power to become....." (John 1:12). Like said earlier, we may not comprehend how something so great could come primarily so easy by simply accepting it, but look here: you don't understand how electricity works, yet you accept it, you plug in and enjoy it. At that moment the science of how the current flows against electrical resistance become meaningless to you, because you're given a better offer of plugging in and making your life way better than where a darkened universe would leave you at. Therefore, in the same way you just accept electricity, forget the shenanigans the people of the world tell you, about how it's impossible for a man's death to give you access to a greater life in the now and in eternity, and simply just accept this great providence of God- and this we do by simply choosing to believe His said word and His given Son, and live His willed life. Note, the benefits of electric power are great, but believe God the benefits of His gift are far greater, that its effect spans beyond our todays even till eternity. Thus, don't let that devil cheat you by a game of deception into disbelieving God, choose today to believe and accept the Person of Christ and all the benefits He brings in Himself- deliverance (Luke 4:18), good health (Psalm 107:20), success (2 Cor 8:9) and the grace to receive all things according to His will (John 14:14). Hence, make today your chance to receive your own quota of this great provision like the woman whom on realizing this touched His garment, and make of your life a better version as God planned it, and as is needed to get yourself off the victim's card of Satan. May God open our eyes my friend, and may we be wise enough to receive all He's given already...... Choose to believe and dare to receive, and you will. All you have to do is plug in!


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