You Are Being Watched

 It is reported that Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi once said when asked about Jesus, that, "I've heard about Jesus, I know Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God, but if Christians were more like Him, I would be a christian". He didn't make this statement because he was incited by an hormonal rush to speak to the media, but because of the philosophy of life that a man's entirety should be a reflection of his faith, something he claimed to not have sincerely seen in the lives of the christians around him at the moment. On the other hand, Jesus said "According to thy faith, let it be", and as much as it depicts how receiving is a function of believing, it also portrays that our 'outputs' in life- the way we talk, the way we live, the words we speak, our gestures and characters should be a function of our 'inputs'- our beliefs. Just like Gandhi, the whole world is watching us to tell our stories. Biographers are watching us to find a deeper truth to attach to our lives' history. Everyone seeks a story about you and I that goes beyond what they've heard- something your own wiki profile can attach the words "as claimed" or "as reported" to. So, what examples are you leaving behind? What information are you feeding to your surrounding world by the way you live. Let's live according to our faith, such that if you believe in God, you will strive to live the entire personality of God into reality, instead of living like those who are atheistic to the knowledge of God. Thus, if Gandhi were to spend a week with you, would he include you in his list of those who claim to serve God, but don't live as though they did. Gandhi might be dead, but every other person watching is another Gandhi as far as the topic is concerned; and while trying to impress your 'Gandhis', remember that it's God you should be working hard to impress. Hence, abide to the ever saving words of Christ "You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to" (John 8:31 LB), and then the world will see how much of Jesus you are.


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