Living in His Will

 Most times, all we need to do to eliminate the problems that so easily beset us is to act as God instructs us to. Many people have pinned down themselves to be afraid when their trials come that even though this challenge were to be as weak as a cockroach, they will see every reason to flee in fear, when a simple squatch would have ended their dreads. Same way, the problems we could have ended with a squatch are those we elevate out of the fear of 'what if it's stronger than I'. John wrote 'He that is in you is greater' (1 John 4:4), thereby meaning that even at our weakest feeling of strength in Christ, we carry the capacity to squatch our dreaded circumstances if only we believe and act as God expects of us. For instance, when the news of a king whose trademark was to gouge out the right eyes of men came to Israel- a news that stated that he had captured Jabesh, they curled up and cried as men that had no strength to save their loved ones. But on Saul's arrival, he couldn't fathom why they would choose just to cry above all other options, and that instant he was revived with power by the Spirit (1 Sam 11:6). The moment you trust God enough to face your fears the way He wants you to, you receive a renewed empowerment. Jesus said "I give unto you power" (Luke 10:19): power to end your fears. Though sometimes this ordeal might still remain a while longer than desired, especially when God is using it for our development; however, every time we believe God to act, problems disappear, and when we trust Him to engage in all He's instructed, they are forever disengaged from our realities. This is so because God always back up His words, His desires, His expectations and His will with signs and wonders. You can receive the same today, simply walk in His will by reacting to the actions laid before you His way instead of your way- for in His way, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37).
Choose this day to pick God's will despite the facade of benefits entangled around yours; for it is His will because it's what He has willed to us.


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