Can You Be Counted On?

 I believe everything man does in life- every challenge we overcome, every rule we obey, every temptation we pass, is to positively answer the question "Can We Be Counted On?". Throughout the history of humanity, many a person has tried to prove not only to his fellow men, but also to his followed God that he is trust-worthy. They are placed in a position where they are bound to prove their loyalty- a test they must pass. However, this is not just a human enterprise or idea, it has always been God's idea. Testing man and proving his worth is God's primary way of certifying a man He can entrust all He has in. Right from Adam down to Samson, and from Jesus to you, it has all been a test to reveal those who out of their love for Him would go the extra mile to do as He desires, and those who out of fear are only willing to obey Him when He's looking straight at them and disobey when He supposedly turns His back. Adam failed his test by giving in to the devil's trickery, Samson also did when he desired to please Delilah than to obey God's instructions. On the other hand, Jesus pleased Him, and now the onus falls on us to do just the same. Thus, know that our reaction at every given moment is a test. The options life gives us everyday to either cheat and succeed, or to obey the rules even if it cost you your success is also a test. Hebrews 4:15 tells us that Jesus encountered exactly what we do today, and yet God could count on Him not to fail, and He didn't. Now the question is, can God count on you? Can He count on you to snub sin despite its profits? Can He count on you to continue from where Jesus left off? Can He count on you to remain as He taught you even in a place far from where He met you? Can He count on you to choose Him still in the darkest challenges of your life? Can He count on you to make Him proud? If we have our being in Him, and we live and die unto Him, then it'd be a wise approach to ensure that every minute of our lives is given to fulfil His good pleasures; so that at the end when others are counted as misfits, we would be placed in His 'Essentials', because without doubt He could count on us. Godspeed on that; and  i'd need that too.


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