Perfectly Made!

 If i were you and you were me, i would be the worst you, and you would be the worst me, because you are just the best version of you there is, as i am of myself. Scripture says God made us fearfully and wonderfully- that is to say we were created uniquely in person. God has no other better spare part for you. You are His best prototype of yourself, and only; and until we start to believe it and live as such we will never really be the maximum best He created us to be. For as scripture teaches "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he". You are what you accept you are. You are all you agree upon that you are. Today, are you going to agree with God who called us gods or with the despondent feeling of non-worthiness. They say your life is in your hands, because eventually it is your choice that makes or mar you. God has spoken, the world has as well, but it is what you speak that choose which side you agree with with and become. Don't count this a motivational, it is the truth. I didn't just choose to say it, God already did, when He called us the salt and light without which the world wouldn't survive. Seemed like an exaggeration....a hype, but if God said it, we better believe it, because there's a whole lot of truth in it. Choose what you may, yet God's intent for making you remains sure; you simply decide if you want to walk with that or not.


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