Going Personal With God

  The importance of engaging in a personal walk with God cannot be over-emphasized. The advantages of hearing from Him, and listening to Him cannot be demerited. Not only does God speak to us on a daily basis, He also desires we'd be able to hear Him. Infact, one of the daily benefits spoken about in Psalm 68:19- of a matter of fact, the most important is God's ample words to us for the day at hand. The grace of God is ever available day to day, but the words we hear from Him brings it to our very realities. Isaiah, in writing, stated that when we are about to lose our way in life, in business, in spirit and other endeavours, the only hope we have to return to normalcy before God is through His voice -whether spoken or written in our hearts. He said "If you leave God's path and go astray, you will hear a voice behind you say 'No, this is the way, walk here" (Isa 30:21 TLB). Unless there's a constant flow of God's words to us, the chances of getting back to God's best for us remains minimal, but as we become more sensitive to His timely words, we graciously enter into the path He wants us to be. And on achieving this, it says 'Then God will bless you with rain at planting time and wonderful harvests..."(vs 23). The harvests of a good life we all seek rest on the bosom of our being able to discern and know God's exact will for us at the moment. Hence, if you've never once thought of knowing God as much as you know Caroline or Theodore, now would be the time to make it a personal mission. Get to know God, get to listen to Him, get to hear Him, and eventually get to become all He desires you to be.


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