Making Jesus Your Priority

DAILY VITAMIN - Making Jesus Your Priority One problem with man is his selfishness. As someone once mused that man is naturally selfish. Everyday we see everybody trying to advertise themselves; it's not like that's altogether bad, but if its against the 'rule of the day', then it is. For instance, we see employees who are paid to advertise their employer rather using their working time to advertise themselves. If it were their spare time, then it wouldn't be that wrong, but with their bought time, that makes it worse than plagiarism. The same thing can be likened to our walk of faith with God- or rather if you like, our Christian walk. Your life today was bought by God, and it is only candid that you use your bought time to advertise more of Him than yourself. The angels proclaimed that God giving Christ to us brought glory to Him, peace to our world, and the goodwill we all now enjoy (Luke 2:14). So the ecstatic life we now live was only possible because God ...