Becoming Love

- Becoming Love
If the unbelieving world could not perceive God's love until Jesus brought it before them to reality, the present suffering world won't see. Jesus until we bring Him to reality, by living as He did. Your call unto. Christianity was not just so that you may be saved, but that also others may be saved through you. The Christian faith is more than just some sunday piety activity. It's a call to shine until people see the very Person of God through us.
We are mirrors of Christ's personality such that once we receive the light, we shine it out to others as well (Matthew 5:14-16). Luke wrote about how sinners drew near just to hear Him (15:1).
Question #1: Why would a person want to hear any word that was against his present state?
This they did, because though Jesus preached against sin, yet He didn't hate the sinner. He didn't just shut the door of their woeful state, and left them the way they were, rather He opened a new door full of God's love and mercy towards them. This is exactly what God's using you to do; not to be a perfect condemning entity, but a perfect converter. He wants your present to transform the present of the sinner unto light. He wants to see you shining so much light as Jesus did, such that even unbelieving fellows are compelled to draw near to Him...and oftentimes than never, this is done through love. Your simple expression of Christ's love to the 'publican' close to you bodily but far from you in spirit can bring that soul back to God.
Question #2: Why would God pick you?
In the sight of God, you are more than you appear to be. You may think that you don't count for much, but the day you received Jesus, God began to see you the same way He saw Him. That is, God sees you as a worthy herald of the message of salvation. Furthermore, being as Christ is, it is all we really must do now. You are light. God knows that; you should; and more than that, you have to stand as a beacon drawing many towards God. You have to become an entity of  God's love sent to the world.
Thus, as Jesus taught: Let's love one another. Let's live to see them saved; for only in love do the world see God clearly.


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