Reacting Right

- Reacting Right
"The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaks frowardness" (Proverbs 10:32)
How do you react to people's everyday actions towards you? It is true that actions speak loud, but reactions do the extreme. Your attitude in response to the words of a family member, a friend, a stranger, or a foe determines what you get as a by-product of that discourse. It defines who you truly are behind the many debris and aesthetics life conditions have dawned on you.
The wise man wrote 'A soft answer turns away wrath' (Proverbs 15:1): and that is to say that the showing off of your self-conceitedness, and the showing up of your humility in response to the daily requests and words that come to you have their individual wages. A humble approach in responding can tame the hidden tiger in a man, but a conceited approach unleashes the unwanted at any time.
So, are you a regular participant in the game of harsh words? Do yourself a favour today, and cease going in that direction, because in doing so, the best one can get is the Nabal's reward.
Nabal, just like any fellow in ancient Israel, was under the protection of the government, but he was also privileged to be safe-guarded by the armed men of David. In an attempt to get acquainted with Nabal, person to person, David sent his soldiers to him, and as the custom were, the protector should get his reward, and the messengers welfare.
Here, Nabal erred. Nabal, not giving them anything wasn't the only problem David had with him, but his approach in responding to the men he had sent, who were also famished at that point. Nabal did not only insult David, he also insulted them upfront; and by this he silenced the man in David, only to unleash the destroyer in him, and look at how he (Nabal) ended up.
But let's look at David's response, when Abigail came with a plea, he submerged his wrath, withholding his fist from blood, thereby replying evil with mercy, and in return ensuring God fought for him.
Thus, let's do ourselves a favour by avoiding the path of sorrows, and this we do by avoiding harsh reactions. So, what do we do when faced with difficult sceneries? React right!


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