Drop The Stubborn Act

- Drop The Stubborn Act
The story of Asahel reveals the detriment of being stubborn; even with the option of going in the safer direction, he kept on chasing shadows until he ended up dead. Many a times we hear God speaking to us, telling us to quit one direction and take up another, but on seeing how much hard labour we'd put into that, we reject those words of His.
Let me tell you how this ends: Stubborness is like a nail's tear on your clothing; as stress and strain continue to be applied on that spot, it creates a bigger hole able to humiliate you wherever you may be. It may harmless for a while, but in time you'll find how deprecated it has made you
Stubbornness is that tiny 'tatty' hole on a wall of a man's life, with which with one more blow brings it all down. To Asahel, it felt so close as though he was going to catch up with Abner, but he never did; and that's because the farthest stubbornness can bring you is 'so close but never', for even God fights the stubborn. Remember, it is as gory as idolatry, and its participants have no share in God's rest. Remember King Saul.
Hence, have you heard the Lord giving you a new direction? Don't relent, take it up, and start walking!


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