Through prayers, lives are blessed worldwide every single day of the year; and this is majorly because there is a true Saviour who hears prayers, and loves to bless as many as come to Him with a sincere heart- willing to heed their call and to weed out their troubles.The subject of prayer can never be overemphasized or undermined; rather it is a key to the complete growth of the believer. Prayer is not just a religious act or some sacramental duty; at least it's not meant to be, it is simply God's way of relating with us as we do with friends and family. In this book, you'd learn how prayer is a victory in itself, and never a waste
 of time, because even while we are still praying, God has already started doing something great; and that's why we cannot but call it blessed-for not only do we meet our blessed savior in it, we are drawn to become more like Him through it.

THE BLESSEDNESS OF PRAYER is now also available on Amazon ( ISBN 978-1090443397) at $15.99.

It's worth your time, because God wants to see you blessed indeed. 

Order yours today, and start relishing what it means to have true communion with God. Here To Order


  1. This is such a blessing. I already started reading a bit of it through the Kindle app, and it surely has been a source of enlightenment to me.


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