Finding Rest In God And Peace With Men

- Finding Rest In God And Peace With Men
Most times than often, God's will would always clash against our personal will; and at this stage, our rest would be dependent on whose we would choose. A lot of people experience this daily; that is, placing their wills above God's, and though they might get what they intended for, but they lose that soothing peace they relished.
They develop a conscientious feeling that haunts them as a result of their neglect of God's best for their best. While some others, despite the loss they may encounter, still choose God's above their's, and as a result even with the losses they acquired still remain at peace and joyous, because they believed God's best is what's best for them. You see, just like you must understand, what's right may not be beneficial, but it definitely leads to where's right.
There is nothing more precious to all beings than peace - peace in the country, peace of mind, peace at heart, and peace all round; but by our failure to define peace, it becomes the more harder to attain. God said through Paul, ''..if it be possible, live peaceably with all..'' (Romans 12:18); and so since it's possible, but how is it made so:
First, we must understand what peace is. Peace is not bought, neither is peace imagined. Peace is accepted; that is, accepting God's will for your life at particular moments. So your ability to say 'Not my.., but Your will' is the evident determinant of our peace.
Just like we experience, Jesus at Gethsemane was in the pain of the events to come, and that were, but at the uttering of those words, strength saturated Him: that is peace, to know that no matter how it may seem, it's going to be alright, because I (God) am right there with you.
Yes, and we do that best when we trust Him enough to understand that His will for our lives is always for our ultimate best. Isaiah 30:15 says "In returning and rest shall ye be saved, and in quietness and in confidence [in the Lord] shall be your strength; but ye would not".
Hence, don't strive against God's plan for your life anymore, for in doing so, you take away your long prepared peace; rather let Him have His way, even as the Prince of peace will for your life comes to play- with peace more abundantly!


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