Emulating Noah

- Emulating Noah
In a world which was doomed for destruction; one where the verdict had been passed already; where millions were to be taken away by the floods, Noah found grace. It's like saying he got his name cancelled from the book of the verdict- just him, only him. But why?
What made him so different from the populace at that time? Noah was a just man, a perfect man, and he walked with God (Genesis 6:8-9). So, we can say that these criteria can save a man from the billed out desolation, or life recession to come.
First, he was just: God desires company with the just (Micah 6:8), and so if He makes the just His friends, it means He would be willing  to keep that friend with Him, safe and sound, regardless of the judgement met by the surrounding world. Recall, Paul's statement, the just shall live by faith, which is to say, they live in God.
Second, he was perfect: Haven't you heard that you are made perfect in Christ? So, Noah is likened to a man who has Christ; and as a result what did he get, he saved himself and his house. Compare with Acts 16:31. Your dwelling in Christ by believing and living in Him set you automatically upon an ark where grace flows abundantly, even unto your saving from the floody recessions against human lives.
Lastly, he walked with God: It's like this; the verdict fell on X, but Noah walked so much with God that in spirit he left X for Z, and so didn't get the judgement met by others in X. Your staying hinged to God keeps you getting what God gets, going where God goes, eating what God eats, living where God lives, loving what God loves, and enjoying what He enjoys.
At this period, if a man must avoid the judgement laid upon this world, he must be as Noah was; for in doing so, he secures a future for himself, a future where he inhabits upon the top of the high mountains, far above mediocrity!


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