Finding The Pieces That Completes Your Game

- Finding The Pieces That Completes Your Game
Only a few set of people can affect us in ways that will spur us to get that which we must to make a mark in our world, but the gambit sometimes is finding and accepting these ones.
A lot of people come and go our way everyday of our lives, but our ability to acknowledge and stay acquainted with those that we must meet, and the grace for them to reciprocate, is the defining factor of how well and fast we would receive our long-awaited rising.
David had had friends come and go- right from when he tended to the sheep in the desert to when he got enlisted into the infantry ranks, but none of these were as impactful as Jonathan was to him....And Jonathan loved him as his own soul..(1 Samuel 18:1), even to the extent that he aided David's rising to his betrothed throne at his own expense.
The same thing with the blind man at Bethesda; he must had received a lot of greetings and alms daily, but on  that day he heard Jesus' voice..... and that changed his life forever (Mark 8:23), as it did Bartimaeus too.
Some people will just clearly change your life forever for good; they would give you a new sense of direction and the actual savour to attain new heights, while some others would just remain as the walking masses before you - no addition, no substraction. But to really gain all you need to get what you need, then you must indeed have a staying encounter with these ones we need: for by meeting them, not only do they cause a change in your life, but they also leave a mark, visible to others so as to cause a change in their lives too through you- just as the tungsten filament transmits so much brightness that covers an entire alley after receiving the needed current in form of electricity.
These persons are like the electricity, and we are the tungsten core. They impart us to help shapen us into better people, so that we can also help shapen others.
And so I hope you find them just as I believe you've found God, and keep them. No doubt God is the paramount of all requirements we need to have a blissful life (John 15:5), but there are men we also must meet to appropriate the bliss God has reserved for us in our everyday lives; for in a world as ours, you really do need them. They are somewhat like pieces that God has designed to help complete and make your set path in life more fulfilling.
Hence, pray daily that you never miss them, for they shall play a huge role even as God meets that next need He knows you desperately require.


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