Go For God

- Go For God
The astrologers on a quest to understand the things that be focus their eyes on the stars; the scientist drills his head into paleontology; the wise man seek the same in books; but look at this, God speaking through the word of the wisest earthling, showed all of creation the ultimate source of understanding. He said 'they that seek the Lord understand all things'(Proverb 28:5).
In those words, He's simply saying though the books may give a clue, the stars may point out a direction, paleontology may tell unknown histories; but if you must understand the unknown, you must be plugged to Him. In Him, Moses understood the beginning of the world; In Him, Solomon received wisdom to judge hideous cases. And in Him also, we can do much more.
Little wonder why Paul wrote you can do all things.....not through the complexity of books alone, but rather because Christ is involved. Know this, that your being in Christ makes you qualified to receive understanding, but your conscious seeking of such in Him brings such understanding to you; for in Him only is the mysteries of the whole world revealed: and so it becomes Him before the books, stars or paleontology, as did the Ethiopian eunuch. For when Christ is involved, everything comes into place.
Thus, I implore you that fellow hungry for knowledge, understanding and the possibility mindset, to seek Him who constitutes all of that, for while men may seek the earth's belly in search of treasures, the greatest treasure you need is right there in Him... Go for the needful. Go for God!


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