Surrendering All

- Surrendering All
"And he that endures to the end shall be saved" (Mark 13:13)
On those words of Jesus that centers on the eschatological era lies the key to a very grave human problem. A lot of individuals find it hard to just accept what God has for them at the moment, having faith in Him, that regardless of whether He changes this present of ours' or not, He's still God; and so in pursuit of respite, they run to as far as the eye can meet just to learn the world's alternative fashion of life so as to get what it offers to its captives, all because they were discontented with what God had in mind for them.
When Jesus said....neither should ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given to you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost (Mark 13:11), it may not be directly pointing towards this subject, but it is likened to saying that sometimes when our human ego keep telling us 'it's not enough', we shouldn't just run up, and grab the next ticket to win the lottery, but it's for us to seek God's counsel on what we must do.
That is it; it's like He's saying 'God is enough for you, He got everything you need, and even those you don't think you do'. So, there is an arrow pointing towards God-reliance; and not just self-reliance on every challenging issue. Like it is said, when a man eats too much, he either throws up or swells up; the dissatisfaction of our egos could actually purge us of even the good things we had already.
For instance, learn from Jesus, when ego might have risen up, saying 'You don't deserve the cross', or the flesh saying 'it's gonna be painful', He knelt before God - a sign of surrender, saying 'not my will, but Yours be done'. Thus, your ability to negate ego's dissatisfaction to seek God's salient counsel and will first, is the starting point to being more of whom He expects of you.
Hence, stay GOD -reliant and surrender all to Him!


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