Pay Attention! God's At Work

- Pay Attention! God's At Work
The time had come for David to fight against those he loved; to fight against the host of the God he fought for. Perhaps, David had no idea who the Philistines prepared to fight at morning-light, but being subject to Achish, he was willing to lend a hand. Then the princes of the Philistines arose, and demanded David's absence from the battle before them.
Now, to the Philistines, they were wise, and so they had outsmarted David to the scheme they thought he must have had, which was to reconcile with their rival- Israel, and as such making a mockery of them; but little did they know that they were fulfilling God's will, preventing David from pollution as God's anointed.
While to David, it was the biggest blow of life that after all his service, they still couldn't trust him (1 Sam 29:8). He must have felt dejected, disappointed, confused, inferior, and magnetized to rejection, but little did he know that it was the plan of God to preserve him from being forced to fight Israel, and also to quicken him back home before the Amalekites had taken his possessions thousands of miles away.
In the same way, some challenges we face in life might appear to be without any impart. Some losses might feel so much as a loss, but in reality, without the challenges, we wouldn't have sought for, and found an impartation, and without the loss, we wouldn't have turned around to find where the gain laid.
For instance, the same thing happened with Isaac; he kept on digging wells only for men to seize them from him, but if it wasn't for this plight, he wouldn't have found the last location of his well (Rehoboth), which was much more blissful.
In other words, no matter how things may seem, stay cheerful, for while you may be crying thinking all is over, your reason for laughter may be right before you, yet blurred by your tears. While you're there believing nothing is happening, God is busy working on and in you. So, pay attention, and in every situation, always see God working! Hence, embrace Cheerfulness at this point in your life.


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