Starting At The Bottom

- Starting At The Bottom
"For everyone who tries to honor himself shall be humbled; and he who humbles himself shall be honored." (Luke 14:11 TLB)
If you must become a master who would stand on his feet, you must learn at the feet of someone. At the feet, there is usually no fame, no clear gain at the moment, no titles, but as you master all things learnt from the feet, you become a master able to stand on his own feet.
The little things we learn from people who are superior to us are not just some things that happen, but necessary things that shape our lives, if by any means we must be (or even above) where they are now.
So, do not hate the feet position, it's the beginning point of greatness. The disciples often sat to listen to Jesus on feet level; and after Jesus had gone, they did greater things. At the feet level, Elisha poured water on the hands of Elijah, but after Elijah had gone, he had double his anointing. No matter how defaming or mediocre the feet position may seem, it is the only way to surpass mediocrity. So, that is to say, if I must be the best there would be in my field, I must be willing to learn all things possible, even if it keeps me at feet level, because it is so sure that one day after I have mastered the act, others shall lay before my feet.
It is a process that can never be done away with; for it is the only rewarding way of learning. Thus, humble yourself, regardless of how much insult you think you may be receiving, or how much unconcern your superior shows you. Because as soon as you've learnt all you need to manifest as a generational master, you wouldn't remember the harsh days that built you up, rather as Joseph you would see it as a necessity. Joseph saw the kidnap by his brothers, the slavery by the Ishmaelites, the imprisonment by the Egyptian as an opportunity given by God, because he knew as soon as he became master that that was the only route there. Sometimes, our routes may be just like that, but I'm here to tell you that no matter how grave it seems, stay humble- learning.
Hence, don't despise the feet, for it's only by what you learn there that would guide you when leading the fleet of greater things to come. Thus, never be afraid to start at the bottom; if you do well you'd end up at the top.


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