It's Never Too Late With God

- It's Never Too Late With God
At the latter phase of Sarah's life, she defied the law of medicine and biological science; She completely overturned the protocols of the natural life. At the latter days of Abraham's life, he bore a seed of nations. He also broke the bars of normalcy.
Prior to this time, Sarah was barren as an empty barrel; in fact she had given up: it felt so hopeless to hold on to hope, but even at a minute after this hopeless moment, God responded, saying 'Is there anything too hard for the Lord'. On Abraham's side, he had lived with his father for 75 years, though having a separate tent, yet under Terah's jurisdiction. But even at such an age when hopelessness of anything new to come had set in, God took him out, and made a world of men out of him.
I just want you to know that there's nothing too difficult for God to achieve. In fact, your case may have been branded 'hopeless' as Sarah's womb was, but believe me God has the power to give you laughter as He did her. You may be in a situation of having left your comfort zone, following God's will, yet He has the power to make a comfortable nation out of you. He's never truly late.
Furthermore, Problems are truly just there to make us believe God isn't doing much, or that He can't do much; but don't believe what those problems depict, believe what God has said, for Him who says 'Nothing shall be impossible' is able to make a story of hope out of you.
Thus, regardless of how dark your night may be, how hopeless your hope may seem, how fruitless your career tree may appear, know that at the last minute, God can make a good out of the bad you think you see in you. Believe God, nothing is impossible for you, and trust Him, for nothing shall be impossible in your life. He can bring that financial breakthrough you seek, the marital settlement you desire; and He will always be on time - His time. Only trust Him.
Hence, stay hopeful, because i believe deep within me that God is turning over to the chapter of restoration in the life of someone....and that someone may just be you... Stay hopeful.


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