God’s Got You

- God's Got You
One of the many comfort-producing verses of the Scripture is that recorded by Luke as the words of Jesus. He wrote '...your Father knows that ye have need of these things'(12:30). Even though what we experience on a daily basis poses such a threat to those pain relieving words of Christ, they are the only truth we can and must rely on. The owed fees, the accumulated debts piling up before our eyes, the quit-notice running into the last week of its signed period; all these make us want to doubt God. They all assent to the fact that maybe we have been abandoned.
These experiences so much as cloud our entire atmosphere, that we begin to feel as though its God's desire for us to stay worried and sorrowful. So, are you presently on this lane of experience where your present problems seem to surmount your past victories? Perhaps you have a deadline to beat with only an hour left, or let's say you feel like you are never going to get favoured, and so are willing to embrace status quo; think again, God is never late. He might wait till the last microsecond, but He's always on time.
To men, four days after Lazarus' death was late, but to God, it was the perfect time. To many Jairus' daugther had ran out of time, but to God, it was not yet late. You might believe based on sight that it's late and hopeless; but guess what, God says 'I know your need', and as far as you asked in His name 'He will do it' (John 14:14).
So cheer up, God has called us to an unconditional love; and that's the greatest privilege you can ever have- that God monitors you as a CCTV does the environment. He knows your need, your predicament, your pain, and He isn't planning on leaving you. He's saving you... Only believe that He's got you!


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