Subjecting Your Will To His

- Subjecting Your Will To His
  "...Not my will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42)
Over time, emphasis have been made on the importance of our desiring God's will above ours'. The truth is, we may not see the benefit in it now, because as Paul said 'we see now as through a glass'(1 Corinthians 13:12), but if we were to give it a little time, it becomes plain before our eyes, that is, the glorious merits it contains- which is, the power to transform our very lives to the best God has reserved for us.
Little wonder why David said 'He shall choose our inheritance for us' (Psalm 42:4). By this, David was giving up the idea of attacking any land to possess it, unless God bids him to, because he knew that though the land might be green, but how long those greens would last mattered most, and depended on God's approval of such a place- believing that though God's choice might not present such qualities now, but soon it shall blossom into graciousness.
For instance, Abraham and Lot had a whole landscape before them. They had become incompatible, since their servants strived one against another; and so the baton came to Abraham to choose a portion, yet he wouldn't, because he hadn't heard from God. Seeing this advantage, Lot chose all the goodly lands that had springs all around, but little did he know that the Gomorrah he had chosen would be a place of heavenly siege and fire in years to come.
But Abraham stood with the portion that seemed unfruitful, and God spoke to him about how that would lead to his possessing even that which Lot chose (Genesis13:14-17). That land was the 'trigger on the gun' to the beginning of the possessing of his many blessings; not because the land carried the blessings, but because his subjection to God's will brought those blessings upon the land of his dwelling.
You may have chosen to follow your will, but think again, your choice may be as beautiful as Sodom and still have a future towards desolation, but God's for you might not seem appealing today, in fact not as anything that would catch your fancy in a second, yet it carries all the promises that future of yours needs.
Thus, I implore you to pick the Lord's will today in any situation you find yourself, saying 'Not my will, but Yours', for it's the surest way there is! Remember, if by doing this Jesus sits on the throne (Philippians 2:5-10), then your own throne is just a choice away if you will decide this day to submit and surrender your will to His completely.


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