Find Relief In Jesus
DAILY VITAMIN - Find Relief In Jesus I have come to understand that a word of your ordeal with God never leaves you in the same spot. God’s comfort will heal wounds men's hands can't reach. You see, you might get in a cab, down you go to a professional psychologist, but still might return as down as you went. You might see a doctor to advice you on how long of a life span you have, but you might still leave with the same expected life span. In fact, you may even see a teacher to help you with better understanding of Dalziel's equation and mathematical theorems, but there is also a big chance you'll return without understanding anything better as you did earlier before. I'm not saying these professional helps aren't good, I'm simply saying there aren't better than God. They may provide help, but true rest comes from the Lord. But what does God say? 'Come unto Me, all ye... that are heavy laden', but He isn't just calling you for a session...